Friday, 5 December 2014

Final things...

Finishing your project - Compile all your blog posts on one page, tab or dedicated blog. Try to keep everything together and simply formatted,- use common sense. Blogger is the simplest.
Put images within the text and make sure they are captioned:
-the artist, if not obvious
-the title OR the publication in which the image appeared
- the date of publication or creation
Create a Word version- paste your blog into Word -it may help to use the word count and formatting tools to help you organise your bibliography. Then upload this Word version to Student Records with the blog address somewhere on it. If you don't have Word make sure the word processing program you are using saves to .doc, .docx, or PDF.
See the tab "E-submission of modules" for info on how to upload. 
Although you have until midnight on Wednesday, try to do it during the daytime so if it doesn't work you have someone to ask. 

Check your referencing –

A number in the text (1)
Leads to a reference author or source in a list:

1. John Smith, p.34

Which can be looked up alphabetically in the bibliography. Harvard referenced:
The name of the author
The title of the work
The name of the collection, journal etc in which it appears, if relevant
The date of publication
The place of publication
The publisher

SMITH, J, 1978. Training the Brontotherium for forestry work. London: Melton.

Ask yourself- Does the reference lead back to the source?

The “Leeds list” is the most helpful, but the  Insight ones and the Bristol ones are also useful.

Golden rule: Don't cite Wikipedia as a source!
This link from Ehow makes some good points about  referencing from websites:

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